We welcome referrals from GPs, Specialists, Treating Teams and Allied Health and recommend a shared care approach to supporting the client’s goals, health and well-being during their experience with cancer. Our Care Partnership Program provides an evidence-based approach to assisting our clients to navigate their treatment and cancer care needs. The nurse-led model of care offers an integrated person-centred pathway which incorporates Allied Health and Complementary Therapies to help manage symptoms from treatments, recovery, survivorship and palliative care needs.
If you would like to refer your patient to the COUCH Wellness Centre, please download this form and forward through to our Cancer Care Nurses.
Please submit completed referral forms to referrals@couchwellness.com.au via: Practice Software Secure Messaging, or send via email to referrals@couchwellness.com.au
If unable to email, please fax to our referrals team on (07) 4032 0498